As a custom home builder you need your website to stand out.

You need it to showcase your homes in a beautiful and professional way. You need your website to be user-friendly, direct the viewer when you need them to go, show them everything you can offer and get them to want to pick up the phone or send you an email.

The first way to make that happen is by providing beautiful photographs of your completed homes. Inside and exterior photos with grand photo galleries. Sometimes, a simple picture isn’t enough. Sometimes that picture needs to be cropped, sharpened, or embellished. I can alter the contrast, change dead winter yards to beautiful green grass, Photoshop out the superfluous and add your watermark to every picture.

A graphic designer can make your images shine – and that designers eye can see the details necessary that your client wants to see. I’m not completely focused on the code (although it is key). I won’t write the content specifically for the search engines, although it’s necessary. I’ll make sure that the most important visitor, the human, gets to see exactly what they need to see in order to want to contact you for their next home.

Photo Touch-up is a great way to accomplish that.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words and since the average person doesn’t read the content on the website, it is up to your pictures to grab their attention and hold them there. Some custom home builders pay professional photographers thousands of dollars for perfectly staged photos taken at the best possible time of day for the perfect picture… many of my clients don’t have the time, money or patience for something like that so I am given smart phone pictures taken from car windows in the middle of winter.

I crop these pictures. I’ll sharpen the contrast and make the colors more vibrant. I can make the dead grass green, the grey sky blue and remove power lines from the landscape.

Want to see more amazing before and after pictures?

before and after

My Custom Home Builder Website Portfolio: